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Our solutions for precision monitoring in agriculture.

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  • Grape Prodigi
    ERASMUS+ Cooperation Partnerships
    "GRAPE PRODIGI: Support grape producers with digital tools to develop their precision farming approach"

  • Azione 1.1.1. Titolo del progetto:
    "Research on an advanced forecasting model about Plasmopara viticola infections"

  • Azione 1.1.1.
    VINE-DATA: data collection for the validation of a new model for the forecasting of Plasmopara viticola infections.
  • Azione 1.1.2.
    FULL-VINE: innovative sensors and chemical residues analysis for the completion of a decision support system in viticulture.

  • Misura 16.1-16.2.
    PV-SENSING: innovative sensors in the vineyard for the prevention of infections by Plasmopara viticola

  • Misura 16.1-16.2.
    IRRIVISION: optimizing the irrigation management with the use of computer vision.

  • Misura 16.1-16.2.
    ROVITIS 4.0: autonomous robot connected ti a DSS for an efficient and sustainable management of the vineyard.

Who we are

About us

Since 1976 we design/develop/produce your custom devices and our own product lines. High enginereeng levels and multidisciplinary development approch are our key factors.
  • RF design
  • hardware design
  • software design
  • wireless sensor networks