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GRAPE PRODIGI - Support grape producers with digital tools to develop their precision farming approach Partnership

Program and type of the project: ERASMUS+ Cooperation Partnerships

ID of the project: 2021-2-HU01-KA210-ADU-000051077

Title of the project: Support grape producers with digital tools to develop their precision farming approach Partnership

Partners: (Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Hungary (coordinator), University of Padua, Italy CET Electronics, Italy EGER Borműhely Egyesület, Hungary)

Amount of the grant: 60 000 EUR

Duration: 1/5/2022-30/4/2024

Summary: The main objective of GrapePRODIGI project is to assess a learn-in-practice education platform in the related topics of remote sensing, digital mapping, smart sensors and high precision farming for grapevine growers. The platform will include a pilot vineyard managerial system for clearer understanding and organized roadshows will ensure the high level attainment for stakeholders. By the platform farmers will get fit-for-purpose knowledge on how to engage digital tools in viticultural practice. As a first step the project will clear out stakeholders knowledge and need about digital tools in agronomy. By evaluating the feedback a tailored education content will be created including a pilot vineyard managerial system to demonstrate tools in practice for learners. For the pilot vineyard management system smart sensors will be used to measure current datasets increasing the functionality of the knowledge provided. The impact of the project will be strengthened by a professional roadshow. As a result of the GrapePRODIGI project a better understanding will be visualized in stakeholders mind about possible digitalization and smart tools in viticulture, which directly give them benefits in management, economy and decision making. Using a pilot system learners can easily understand the possibilities and barriers of digital vineyard management. In wider exploitation regional policy makers can gain the contribution of farmers to assess digital dataset for their strategy making activity)